Saturday, December 27, 2008

Looking ahead to 2009.

My one goal in 2008 was to get published. I got that out of the way pretty early in the year, and met another, more difficult goal later on that summer: go on a reasonable, sustainable eating plan and start getting regular exercise.

So here I am at the end of an eventful year, thirty pounds lighter and two books to my credit, trying to figure out where 2009 should take me. Thus far I've come up with:

* Write books #4 & 5 of my Courtland Chronicles series

* Stay on my organic diet

* Keep doing my thirty minutes on the exercise bike five to six times per week

* Volunteer with my RWA chapter

* Reconnect with the local leather community

* Figure out what to write when CC series is finished - m/m urban fantasy, or m/m historical set in Paris in 1920's?

* Start doing research on both, just in case

* Think of more effective (and less expensive!) ways to promote my work

That should keep me busy for at least the first six months. ;)

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