Thursday, April 2, 2009

Wanna help an author out? ;)

Hey folks. By Chance is currently hovering in the mid-40's on the All Romance e-books' gay/lesbian best seller list. Not bad, huh? It's really great seeing my book on the same page with books by M.L. Rhodes and Jaxx Steele!

However, I would really love to see By Chance hit ARe's general best seller list - and for that, I need your help. If you've got a spare $4.50 rattling around in your wallet, would you consider spending it on my book? ARe sells e-books in a wide variety of formats, from .pdf to .epub.

So if you're in the mood for a good, short read with plenty of romance, angst and pretty boys sexin' each other up, give By Chance a try! ;)

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